Personal Trainer for Heart Mind

About: Sandra and How it Began

What started out as a path to become a lawyer, the universe had other plans. A cosmic 2×4 set me on a path of health. My success with mind-body interventions began with a personal story. After an auto accident left me with a TBI in my brain stem, while being holistically minded, I chose a non-medicated route. Consequently, and successfully, I was able to make a complete come-back using body-mind techniques, herbs, whole foods and plant medicine.

Trained in holistic muscular therapy and clinical hypnosis while learning compensatory strategies for memory, my docs saw what I had accomplished and began referring me clients after my completion. That was 20+ years ago and it hasn’t stopped yet.  I am the proud holistic mom of 2 children and 3 grandchildren.

I am a devout locavore, practice no-waste, fair trade and preserve much of my winter’s food from locally-grown, organic farms. Still personally using plant medicine, energy psychology as well as numerous other modalities.

About: Sandra Professionally

Sandra is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified Professional Hypnotist, author and Hypnosis Trainer.  She has over 30 years’ experience in wellness arts, practice and wisdom that is incorporated into all her programs. She has acquired numerous trainings and certifications throughout her career to further her quality of offerings. (see below for partial list)

She is highly regarded for her successes incorporating hypnosis coupled with many modalities to assist in symptom management, stress management, motivation and habit cessation.   Featured in Andrew Lenhardt, MD’s book, Best of All Worlds: A Family Doctor’s Path to Integrative Medicine for her clinical hypnosis and an invited contributor to Healing Complex Kids’ – Pathway to HOPE.

Sandra is a public speaker, writer/contributor to health magazines and award-winning hypnosis trainer.  She has been interviewed by actress, Shirley for her use of hypnosis, Reiki and energy psychology as well as being recommended for her Past Life explorations by Shirley Maclaine.  She has studied with, and been influenced by, some of the most groundbreaking neuro-scientists in the field of epigenetics.

Former President of the NH National Guild of Hypnotists.

About: Business and Working with Sandra

Sandra uses evidence-based cognitive neuroscience, body-centered intelligence as well as heart rate variability training. She uses a unique coaching method to assist in her private as well as corporate clients. Her corporate clients revel in her coaching / HRV training modules.

Becoming a client is different for everyone. Personalized programs are the foundation of success.

Resilience, heart focused coherence, awareness reframing, clinical hypnosis, vibrational medicine and other modalities that produce a healthy mind-body connection. Sandra is the creator of the Symptom Relief System™ which assists in managing symptoms of autoimmune issues, stress reduction and motivation. Respecting each client has specific needs for complete health is the foundation of Sandra’s practice. Sandra’s passion for living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and thriving local is woven into a multifaceted holistic practice.

Clients may experience modalities such as:

Self-Hypnosis and/or Guided Imagery
Coherence Based Resilience
Audio/Visual Entrainment
Bio-Feedback Coherence
Aromatherapy/plant essence
Energy Psychology  

Sandra provides support and education to individuals and groups internationally. Her methods in hypnosis and other functional techniques support the body’s own resources.

About: Consciousness and Spiritual Exploration

Spiritual exploration is a hot topic recently.  Certifications are numerous, but not all are created equal.  Even high profile, popular trainings leave out the forensic portion of trainings.  This allows for the possibility to falsify memories and/or experiences by asking wrong and leading questions.

Sandra has been trained by numerous trainers in Past Life, Life Between Lives as well as forensic protocols.  Using a unique combination of techniques from QHHT, Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Henry Leo Bolduc and Dick Sutphen, Sandra has been successful in recovering lost time, confirming names and places in past life clients as well as future projections. Clients enjoy meeting guides and dialogue that comes with such exploration.

Sandra was contracted and successfully able to discover lost time in some of the most noted and well-known UFO investigators.  Her work in past lives over 20 years have discovered many interesting paths of her clients. Consciousness is at the foundation of those experiences.

When exploring past lives, angels or anything in the spiritual realm, one must understand ramifications and know their facilitators trainings.

About: Advanced Specialized Trainings

Below is a partial list of advanced specialized trainings that I have received.

Heartmath Coach
Heartmath Mentor
Heartmath Practitioner
Pediatric Hypnosis Certification
Emergency Responders Hypnosis Certification
Dental Bruxism Certification
Past Lives (3 different trainings)
Between Lives Certification
Pain Management Certification
IBS Relief Hypnosis Certification
Usui Reiki Master
Shambala Practitioner
Gemstone / Vibrational
Dowsing Certification
Licensed Muscular Therapy
Aromatherapy Certification
Mindfulness training
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)