Personal Trainer for Heart Mind
  • Are you intrigued by possible past life or between life experiences?
  • Curious about your life’s purpose?
  • Suspect you have been visited by extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings?
  • Have you seen UFOs and wondered why they appeared to you?
  • Do you have periods of missing time?
  • Are you looking for guidance from super-conscious knowledge and beings?

Spiritual Exploration Hypnosis is a tool for self-awakening and inquiry. More people are searching the questions about life, their purpose, role and place in humanity, as well as questions about death and soul continuation. Upon initial intake, Sandra will gather info regarding client’s belief system.  Everyone’s belief is respected and boundaries are never crossed in the office.  Whether you are a left-brain, science minded person; or a right-brained creative, spiritual type or even a blend of both, the sessions will be individually geared toward your personal beliefs.

Spiritual Hypnosis is not a new field, neither is the age-old exploration of life’s fundamental questions.  This avenue of hypnosis includes such subjects as connecting with spiritual guides, angels and ascended masters.  It also included subjects as Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives and UFO exploration.

Spiritual exploration is a hot topic recently.  Certifications are numerous, but not all are created equal.  Even high profile, popular trainings leave out the forensic portion of trainings.  This allows for the possibility to falsify memories and/or experiences by asking wrong and leading questions.

See About page for Sandra’s numerous trainings.



Past Life Regression

Past life memories personal stories of your eternal soul that explain who you are now and why you’re here on Earth. A branch of hypnosis, past life regression has grown in this part of the world over the last 50 years to be an important addition to the healing arts. It has been a sacred experience in many other cultures for thousands of years.

Some people try past life out of curiosity to see who they were in the past.  But also, it is road for personal answers, growth and healing.  Benefits have been numerous, one can see personal relationships in a new light, re-ignite talents and abilities from the past, release anxieties, traumas and physical symptoms brought into this life from past, as well as learning and aligning with life’s purpose

While in a hypnotic trance, I will guide your experience to a past life yourself. This is not a ‘reading’.  You experience it for yourself. You see it, sense it, and feel it.  You might experience the memory in the first person (looking down and seeing the feet of that person), you may experience it as a movie, or even vague images with a sense of knowing that leads you in your chronicle of that lifetime.  You may also hear sounds or recall smells as well. You are the prominent character deeply involved in the past life story.

When your perception unfolds, you feel real emotions appropriate to the story. Similarly, as if you were totally enthralled in a movie.  You may cry when you re-experience deep sadness at the death of a loved one or elation at a long-awaited wedding.  These physical sensations and emotions are very real in the moment, but pass quickly and also you have the ability to physically and emotionally detach in an instant. Just like changing the TV channel.

Both past lives and life between lives are done on a spiritual level found deep within the superconscious mind and the field where all that is resides. It is a wonderful journey to the dimensions of consciousnesses and reality that have contributed to who you are today and the purpose you have for being here in these extraordinary and unprecedented times.



Life Between Lives

Life Between Lives hypnosis is an extension of Past Life Regression where one discovers the mysteries of what happens when not in physical body. The term and process has been perfected by Dr Michael Newton who is considered the pioneer in uncovering the mysteries of the soul in between lives.  His 30,000+ sessions through the use of spiritual regression hypnosis have uncovered many soul answers.

Life Between Lives sessions are for those intrigued in the energetic realm and the mystery of the spirit world after death of physical body.  We may connect with intergalactic worlds, alternate dimensions and the hidden memories of the upper dimensions. Within these alternate realities one may connect with higher aspects of consciousness in the form of angels, higher self, soul groups, guides, teachers and what a soul does when not in body.

The hypnotic trance used is deep.  This usually requires upwards of 4 hours. It is truly for those wondering why we do this thing called life on a deeper level.

Connecting to the superconscious guidance, Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides

Connecting to the field via superconscious and cosmic mind, clients meet their guidance for this life, their soul guides as well as cosmic guides.  Akashic records is an option to visit and read.  Connecting and communication with the field is a loving, encompassing experience.  Clients who wish to connect to the upper realms do so for curiosity of who their spirit guides are as well as specific answers.



Consciousness Guidance – Exploring the Field
Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters

Connecting to the field via superconscious and cosmic mind also known as the field, clients meet their guidance for this life, their soul guides as well as cosmic guides.  Akashic records is an option to visit and read.  Connecting and communication with the field is a loving, encompassing experience.  Clients who wish to connect to the upper realms do so for curiosity of who their spirit guides are as well as specific answers.


Extraterrestrial / Lost Time

Clients who believe they may be having contact with non-human intelligence and/or who are having paranormal encounters may wish to engage in hypnotic regression to ‘find’ that time. This is truly a scientific protocol not to be taken lightly.  Forensic hypnosis is a training that secures knowledge of hypnotist so that the experience is done precisely without the fear of memory distortion.  This is done in a respectful, safe environment without any preconceived opinions.


Starseed Exploration

Starseed exploration is similar in nature of protocol as past lives/life between lives.  Difference in methodology is that guidance is geared to incarnated in different realms and forensic methods are used diligently to not lead or plant memories.

The term “starseed” has erupted with the new age movement along with the massive vibrational shift in earth’s consciousness. It was also at this time that people began to see an influx of different souls incarnating for human experience, these souls have extraordinary traits. It is believed that starseed children are souls from many different origins, not just from Earth. It is believed that those who have incarnated from these different realms into human form right now are spiritually advanced to be able to handle the assist in ascension.

Starseeds are souls of many different origins that have come to earth to assist in the planets’ ascension into the golden age. Love is the vibrations of their life purpose to dominate over the lower vibrational beings where there is so much pain, greed, and hurt. The mission of a starseed is to raise the vibrations of the earth and all its beings to that of a higher vibration so that we can ascend into the new, golden age of love, peace abundance, and prosperity. 

You might find yourself asking if yourself whether or not you are a starseed. It is suggested that there are some classical signs of being a starseed.  Missing or longing for home when not knowing where that is; feeling different; being an empath; loneliness; fascination with metaphysics; paranormal and psychic experiences; aversion to cruelty of anything.  These are just a few, there are more.